‘Hope and Healing with horses’
for Adults and Teens
Please email info@freedomfarmmn.org or call 952-955-2505 to discuss the options.
While partnering with the horse, Hope & Healing with Horses focuses on developing trust, finding success, and building confidence while providing horsemanship experiences to improve mindfulness, reduce anxiety, and improve communication. When an individual chooses to connect with a horse, they are opening their heart and mind to freedom while moving into God’s arms.
‘Hope with horses’ for high school students
- This six week program is a powerful and transformative experience.

- Students will attend once a week for a six week session.
- The school will provide transportation.
- Students are partnered with a horse, Freedom Farm staff member, and trained volunteers.
- Boots and helmets are provided or may wear or purchase their own approved helmet/boots.
- Cost per student for the six week program is $570
Horses as educators, teammates and friends:
The horses at Freedom Farm are well trained and are accustomed to work with many different personalities.
Horses are large and powerful, which create a natural opportunity for some students to overcome fear and develop confidence. The size and power of the horse are naturally intimidating to many people. Students are normally out of their comfort zone in the farm environment and will look to the Freedom Farm staff for guidance and support. Accomplishing a task involving a horse, in spite of those fears, creates confidence and provides metaphors when dealing with other intimidating and challenging situations in life.

The horse can influence people in powerful ways, developing relationships, in training, horsemanship, instruction and general caring for the horses naturally affects the people involved in a meaningful way. Working with horses provides benefits of work ethic, responsibility, assertiveness, communication and healthy relationships.
Horses are social animals much like humans. They have defined roles within their herds. They would rather be with their peers. They have distinct personalities, attitudes and moods. An approach that seems to work with one horse, does not necessarily work with another. At times they seem stubborn and defiant. They like to have fun. Horses provide many opportunities for metaphorical learning. Using metaphors in discussion or group activity is an effective technique when working with even the most challenging individuals. Horses require work, whether in caring for them or working with them. Horses require students to be engaged in physical and mental work to be successful, a valuable characteristic in all aspects of life. Most important, horses have the ability to mirror exactly what human body language is telling them. The student will learn if they change themselves, the horse will respond differently. Horses are honest, which makes them especially powerful educators, teammates and friends.

Benefits seen through our students participating in Hope with Horses‘:
- A greater awareness of being present and mindful, releasing worries and self-doubt through the connection and time with their horse.
- A sense of accomplishment through healthy risk taking through gaining the skills to properly groom the horse and safely ride the horse.
- Skills in self-advocacy that transfer positively to seeking help and support, extra assistance and time to accomplish projects in school and the courage to get their needs met in a healthy way. A safe community to learn and make mistakes in allowing for greater risk taking in a unique and healthy environment.
- Connection, respect and friendships formed with Freedom Farms horses, participants and volunteers directly relating to growth in social skills, self-respect and appreciation for all beings. Accomplishment through taking safe chances, facing fears, trying new things and learning new skills.