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Derby Day BBQ Sponsor and Horse support
Derby Day BBQ Sponsor and Horse support
Thank You Sponsors!
Garland of Roses $5,000 ~ sponsored by K-Bid Online Auctions
Winners Circle $3,000 ~ sponsored by The Schroeder Family
Boot Stomping BBQ $2,000 ~ sponsored by Ed & Susan Foley
Kentucky Lemonade $1,000 ~ sponsored by BlackBerg Ranch
Derby Day Best $500 ~ sponsored by Millerbernd Manufacturing
“It has been said that, ‘In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.’ In 2000, I decided to fulfill a dream to share that freedom with those whose lives, minds and bodies are not as free. Inspired by my life experiences and training, I opened my heart and the doors to Freedom Farm, a therapeutic riding center in Waverly, Minnesota.”
~Susie Bjorklund
Freedom Farm partners with the unique gifts of the horse to offer healing, hope, confidence, and strength.
Volunteering at Freedom Farm
"I have seen riders who won’t make eye contact suddenly turn and look at you for the first time – with a smile."
-PJYou Can Make A Difference
Please consider joining our Circle of Friends with a donation.
Freedom Farm relies heavily on volunteers to maintain our programs and care for the 12 horses on our 20 acre facility. Eighty percent of costs must be met through fundraising events, grants and individual and corporate giving. Yours is a treasured partnership. Thank you.
Horse Sponsors
Horse Care
As a Horse Sponsor, 100% of your donation goes directly to horse care. The average annual cost for our horses is $6,000. Freedom Farm wouldn’t be Freedom Farm without our horses!
Freedom Partner
Program Support
As a Freedom Partner, 100% of your donation goes directly to funding our programs.