We are excited to meet you!
A horse experienced individual with a big heart willing to share a little time and a lot of love
Volunteer Trainings:
Please call or email to schedule your training:
952-955-2505 info@freedomfarmmn.org
The Basics:
- Attend one Volunteer Training per year
- Lesson times vary throughout the year
- Volunteers need to be 14 years old to be a leader
- Volunteer Forms need to be filled out yearly & are available to download below
Please VISIT OUR CALENDAR for up-to-date training days & times.
2024 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Freedom Farm is so very thankful for its dedicated volunteers. We had a great night blessing our volunteers with a meal and awards for their special service throughout the year.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38
More Volunteer News
Visit our Archives for more information (and pictures!) on training and events